We help our clients to become more sustainable. Make sustainability part of every decision.
To meet needs today and build value for tomorrow
Companies operating in the European Union will have to adhere to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive’s (CSRD) detailed sustainability reporting standards in 2024
Regulatory requirements
Investors state that efforts to improve the environment and society contribute to their investment decisions
Investor expectations
Strong climate action could deliver trillions to the global economy by 2070
Economic opportunities
90% of all emissions are produced in the supply chain
Source: The State of Supply Chain Carbon Footprinting: Analysis of CDP Disclosures by US Firms
Measurement of Scope 3 emissions runs into barriers
US companies that calculated and disclosed their Scope 3 emissions only captured 22% of their total emissions in their reporting
Resistance may be experienced by suppliers, concerned about disclosing the data requested, either because it is not readily available, or due to confidentiality or due diligence concerns
Primary data on supply chain impacts may be poor, companies lack internal resource to identify, engage and source the data. In this case, the data is extrapolated, which increases errors
Lack of expertise to identify framework and the most carbon-intensive points in the supply chain and analyze them first
Drive maximum business value using the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability
To build a sustainable company and achieve ambitious goals, you need a reliable and powerful tool which unifies data intelligence and provides comprehensive, integrated, and automated sustainability management for organizations at any stage of their sustainability journey.
Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability empowers organizations to accelerate progress toward sustainability and business growth by bringing together a growing set of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) capabilities
3 steps to build sustainability
Facilitate greater transparency and accountability through your value chain. Measure your carbon footprint of the operations more accurately through direct data connections and automation.
1. Record
Streamline data ingestion, integration, and calculations. Visualise and report resource consumption, environmental impact, and sustainability progress.
2. Analyse
Set goals & scorecards and take action to reduce the emissions footprint. Enable seamless collaboration about goals and progress.
3. Reduce
Explore new features with the most powerful tool
Try Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability free for 30 days
Enable your organisation to make a quick start
Get started with a complimentary 2-hour workshop
Get started with a complimentary 2-hour workshop, which is designed to help companies identify the next steps in their ESG Data Strategy - join the race to net zero
Sustainability Starter dashboard - Proof of Concept in 5 days
Sustainability Starter Dashboards are created with a roadmap and recommendations on how to leverage Microsoft Сloud technologies (Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability, Dynamics 365, Power Platform)
Microsoft Sustainability Manager 8 weeks Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept is the best approach to check the technology in real life and showcase Microsoft Sustainability Manager capabilities
Benefits for business & end customers
Increase recognition of your brand for sustainable innovation
Maximize sustainable innovation by understanding trade-offs
Brand value
Increase sales with more sustainable offerings
Indirect Risk Mitigation
Revenue growth
Game Changer
Track&Trace is a technology that allows Business to combine data on the entire life cycle of a product and thus calculate the exact amount of emissions per item
The same product from the same batch can leave a completely different carbon footprint. That’s why it is vital to calculate the carbon footprint of each specific item
Emissions actually depend on the specific supply chain
Accelerate time to action for carbon reduction by using your existing data to gain insight into carbon impacts and reduction opportunities.
Empower your Sustainability system with detailed emissions analytics per item
What’s get measured gets managed
Carbon-Zero Footprint is an Cloud-based solution, which unites all participants of the business process and counts full emissions from grass to glass by items according to Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG). Our new product Carbon-Zero Footprint combine data from Track&Trace solutions, Microsoft Azure and other data source, and calculate emissions of each specific item.
To play the role in the
«save the world» mission business need a tool
Proper Carbon footprint management help reduce emissions & costs tomorrow
Transparent Carbon footprint assessment
Approach for reduction emissions and taxes
Automatic collection of Data through value chain for СDP, SAASB and TCFD Reporting including Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 baseline
Shifting to lower footprint products and services
We’re commited to being responsible in all that we do
We're embedding sustainability principles into our business culture and empower our employees to accelerate their ideas to our net zero action plan. We transform our mobility by minimizing business travel and increasing our virtual collaboration capabilities via digital workplaces. We help clients with sustainability challenges. As part of our ESG policy, we have set objectives to help our clients to save 1M metric tons of CO₂e by 2030.
We have been committed to managing our resources effectively, cutting carbon emissions, and becoming a net-zero business by 2030.
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October 18th, 2022
Financial analysis for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central using Power BI